1) When you send me your submissions, you are certifying to me that it is YOUR original work. Plagiarism is against
the law. If I find out that anything you send me is stolen, all your work will be removed from this site, and I will
not host any more work from you in the future.
2) All content will be conducive to LDS standards. If you think it deserves a rating of an R, don't bother sending
3) I will upload all submissions, and I have final say on anything hosted. I WILL NOT change a word of your work,
but I reserve the right to refuse to host any story submitted.
4) Make sure all your work is thoroughly edited and proof-read. I will not upload any story that has major editing
problems. We want this site to be as professional as possible.
All work can be emailed to
auna@fanfiction.net. I can accept Word documents, or it can be sent in the text if small it's a small enough file.
There is no restriction on subject, genre, or size of story. The more the merrier. I will place a rating
and summary of your story on the index page, when I get this up and going. It would help if you supplied a short summary
in the submission.
All stories need to be headed with the following information:
(optional)Author's Notes-